Every month Amazon puts 100 Kindle books on sale for $3.99 or less. This month I noticed that two of them were American Girl books.
McKenna has always excelled at school and in gymnastics, but now that she’s entering fourth grade, school suddenly feels hard to her. When McKenna’s teacher suggests she get a reading tutor, she’s horrified – until she gets to know her tutor, Josie, who is super-confident and who also happens to be in a wheelchair. Josie helps McKenna realize that what might seem like a giant roadblock is really just a series of small obstacles that can be overcome one by one, day by day. McKenna’s confidence starts to blossom, but then something happens at the gym that sidelines her completely. Will she recover in time to join the competitive team in the spring?
McKenna, Ready to Fly! (American Girl Today)
McKenna still has a long way to go if she’s going to make the competitive gymnastics team in March. She’s doing better in school, thanks to Josie’s tutoring, so when Josie needs help facing her fear of horseback riding, McKenna signs up for the job. Only that causes friction with her teammate Toulane, who seems jealous of McKenna’s newfound friendship with Josie. When McKenna discovers the real root of Toulane’s anger, she desperately wants to help her teammate. But how can McKenna cheer on Josie at the riding center, AND support Toulane at the gym, and still work toward her own goal of making the competitive team? McKenna’s torn loyalties lead to some discoveries about the power of believing in yourself and encouraging one another.
Since these are part of the Amazon monthly $3.99 or less deals, they should be this price until the end of July. Be sure to check out all of this month’s 100 Kindle Books for $3.99 or less titles.