Anyone else’s Facebook feed filled with people talking about how awful they feel? Or does anyone else have someone under their own roof who you wish wouldn’t share?? 😉
We’ve all been there! So let’s dive in and talk about what we can do to keep our immune systems strong! If we can keep that running smoothly, we can keep ourselves well.
Okay, let’s get me being the bad guy out of the way from the get go, m’kay? Sugar has to go, especially in the winter months. Eating sugar suppresses the immune system for several hours. Grabbing a handful of berries is a much better option.
Let’s talk about my personal weakness… Getting enough sleep. Does anyone else fall prey to One More Thing Syndrome every night? When it’s time to go to bed, I always think of one more thing that needs done. Surely it won’t take that long, right? But often it does, and I end up shorting myself some much-needed sleep. Not getting enough sleep can raise our stress hormones, which can raise inflammation in the body. That’s not what we want for our immune systems. So making sure we get 7 to 9 hours each night is the goal!
ALL the Thieves!
Thieves Vitality is our BFF right now. One drop in a cup of tea or apple juice is a great way to boost the immune system. We also love to keep counters clean with Thieves Household Cleaner (all the clean and none of the nasty ingredients). I keep Thieves Hand Purifier in my purse for quick freshening up without water when we’re on the go too.
Supplement It
I can’t say enough about the amazing lineup of supplements we’ve been using this winter. Let me give you a quick rundown of why we love them.
- Life9 – This is Young Living’s high-potency probiotic. When I learned that a strong immune system starts with a healthy gut, I got busy focusing on gut health. Probiotics put the good bacteria in your gut to keep it working well. Our daughter doesn’t swallow capsules yet, so we open one and sprinkle it on some applesauce or yogurt for her. She promises that she can’t taste it at all.
- Elderberry Syrup – We weren’t using this daily at the beginning of the winter season, but we are now! Elderberry syrup boosts the immune system and feeds the body antioxidants at the same time. I’d like to investigate making my own, but for now we use this syrup or these gummies.
- Colloidal Silver – For the sake of time and not wanting you to read a novel here, I’ll let you Google this one. It’s got SO many uses and benefits!
- Inner Defense – This is Young Living’s immune system superhero! It’s packed with essential oils that promote healthy respiratory function and boost the immune system. Some people take one daily. Others take 3-5 daily just as needed. Either one works!
Diffuse the Situation
We also love to run our diffuser through the winter. Not only does that keep us from using toxic sprays, wax melts, or candles in our home, but it also helps to freshen and purify the air. That’s a win!
Some of our winter diffuser favorites are RC, Purification, Frankincense, Lavender, Stress Away… There are SO many great options!
Diffusing makes the house smell great, helps clean the air, and calms everyday stress. Those are all helpful for staying healthy!
Getting Started
Getting your oils is simple! Just head on over here, and make sure my number (1531545) shows up in both boxes. That’s going to get you connected to our group, some fabulous free resources, exclusive Facebook groups, and the support you need to get started!
Then choose the Premium Starter Kit with the Dewdrop or Desert Mist diffuser. If you want to add on some Thieves Hand Purifier (for you, your kiddos, or your favorite teacher) or Inner Defense, you can do that before you finish checking out.
Work your way through all of the screens, and you’re set! Be sure to write down your member number, password, and PIN so you can use them in the future. Then drop me a note and let me know that your kit is on its way! Then I’ll drop a welcome package in the mail for you!
This has been the absolute best health investment that my family has made. I can’t wait for you to join us on this journey!