Have you started yet? Have you pulled out the boxes and tubs and packed away Christmas?
We haven’t. I don’t think I can quite yet. Well, part of that is because my friend Joy is coming for a visit. Part of it is that it went by too quickly, even though I tried to be intentional about not missing it. I want to savor it a little longer.
This year I want to encourage you to not pack away Christmas. Oh, I’m not encouraging you to leave your tree and decorations up all year. They wouldn’t be special if we did that! I’m talking about the spirit of Christmas and the lessons we learned.
This year I was reminded to let go of the perfect plan that was in my head. Sometimes I was successful. Other times…. not so much. But when I let it go and quit striving for perfection, I enjoyed everything more.
I’m not packing that lesson away. I’m keeping it with me for the coming year.
So while the stockings and the lights will find their way to the basement, will you join me in not packing away Christmas?