I had to work today, so my Works for Me Wednesday post is a little late! I wanted to share with you a great way to deal with small children and restaurant straws. As our daughter gets older and more independent, she doesn’t want us to help her hold her milk when we’re out to eat. That means that she’s at the mercy of the VERY long straws that most restaurants offer. This usually leads to a big mess.
Grandma to the rescue! My mom bought us some neon “bendy straws” and cut them to various lengths. She stashed them in a travel toothbrush holder, and gave them to me to put in my purse. I’ve been carrying them with me ever since. When we’re out to eat, we simply choose a straw length that works with the restaurant’s table height and cup height. We can usually find a straw that allows Emma to drink from the cup without even moving it from the table. This has saved us countless spills and tears! It works for me!
For more great tips, be sure to visit Works for Me Wednesday sponsored by Rocks in My Dryer.