Hi there! I’m Jennifer (and that’s my husband Jason with me). I’m a wife, mom, blogger, homeschooler, web designer, Jesus-lover, chocolate fan. (Not necessarily in that order) And I’m really glad you’re here!
In 2008 I started a blog called Saving & Giving where I shared money-saving ideas. Then I figured out that I like writing about recipes, homeschooling, faith, and my family. Now it all comes together here.
Honestly, I never thought I’d be homeschooling. I never thought I’d be working from home. I never thought (in a bazillion years) I’d be working on web design. I never thought I’d fall in love with essential oils and more natural care for my family. I’m blessed beyond words to work side-by-side with my husband Jason. (And I’m thankful that he creates the beautiful images we use in our designs because my specialty is stick people. You can only design so many websites using stick people.) We’re partners in business, homeschooling, and life.
I hope you’re able to find encouragement for your journey here. Know that you are not alone. Let’s share our stories, our victories, and our not-so-great moments and realize that we’re all in this together. If you’re looking for perfection, this isn’t it. If you’re looking for real, grab a comfy chair and cup of coffee and make yourself at home.
I’d love for you to join us where we hang out.
Come over and Like our page on Facebook.
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Or just drop us an email.

P.S. ~ Be sure to sign up for email updates. They’re free and they’re the best way to make sure you don’t miss anything. Plus we promise not to spam you. You only get one daily email if we update the site. No update, no email. If I can figure out a way to send chocolate with the email, I’ll be sure to do that too.