So far in our Build a Better Budget series, we've talked a little bit about why we even bother creating a budget and about how the budget is more of a seat belt than a shackle. I hope that our conversations have gotten you thinking about the … [Read more...]
Build a Better Budget Part 2: A Seat Belt, Not a Shackle
I can't buy that. It's not in the budget. Have you heard yourself say those words lately? I have.... and it's not because we don't have the money. One of the biggest financial changes we've made is doing a monthly budget before each month begins. … [Read more...]
Build a Better Budget Part 1: Why Bother?
Confession time.... We didn't have a budget until a few months ago. Well, I had a mental budget. As in me trying to remember about how much each category should be allotted and sort of trying to stay within a reasonable amount at the grocery store. I … [Read more...]