If you saw my grocery cart at Kroger last Saturday, you would have thought that we were eating oatmeal-dog food-chicken-cheese-and-peas casserole all week! It was quite a strange shopping trip. Here’s what we got:
We’re spending this week eating the second week’s worth of Two-Week Cooking Project meals, so I wasn’t buying anything to make specific meals this week. It’s the perfect example of how my shopping habits have changed. I used to go to the store each week and purchase ingredients for the next week’s meals. Each week I would repeat the process. Now I stock up on items that are on great sales. I have no idea how they’ll be used yet. I just know a good price when I see one!
I brought the chickens home, pulled the meat, and froze it in single meal-sized packages. Those will be used for some type of chicken recipes the next time I do my two-week cooking. The cheese was only $1 per package, so it was stock-up time! I didn’t do a huge stock-up this time, as my freezer was still fairly full. But I have enough cheese for several weeks here.
The Quaker oatmeal was $1.98 per box last week, and I had several $1.00 off coupons. At $.98 per box, I bought as many as I had coupons for!
Add to those deals a few fruit and dairy items – and some food for the dog – and that’s what we came home with. The beauty of being a frugal shopper is that I only paid $40 for this week’s grocery trip. I’ll use these items plus some others I’ve snagged recently to make up my next Two-Week Cooking Project menu plan. Planning around what we already have on-hand drastically reduces our grocery budget!
This post is linked to:
:: Saturday Success Stories hosted by Coupon Teacher
:: Weekly Totals hosted by I Heart Publix
:: Share Your Savings Saturday hosted by Frugal Fun and Fortune
Looks like one of my shopping trips!! (Several of each item!) Good luck with your cooking this week!
that’s exactly how I cook. Whatever we got on sale and it’s in the freezer. Good deals.
Now I just have to get it in gear and get planning for next week! Thanks for stopping by!