Welcome to the ABCs of Savings! Each day we’ll be discussing another money saving topic, each beginning with a different letter of the alphabet. Be sure to subscribe via RSS or email so you don’t miss any steps along the way. You can read the full alphabet of posts here (updated as they are posted).
M: Manager’s Specials
I admit it… I’m drawn to those yellow and orange Manager’s Special stickers at Kroger. I can’t help myself! They are usually perfectly good products that are available for pennies on the dollar. And the thing I love most about Manager’s Specials is that I can still use my coupons on them. {swoon} Here are my tips for making the most of Manager’s Specials.
Expand Your Horizons
If your grocery store marks down items as Manager’s Specials (or whatever name they go by where you are), this is a fabulous way to save money and try new products. Because you can use your coupons (usually) on these specials, you can usually get items free or almost-free. This is the perfect time to try something new. You don’t have much to lose if your family doesn’t like the product, right?
Learn the Schedule
Stores seem to have different schedules for when they mark down specific items. I don’t have our Kroger store’s schedule down quite yet, and I haven’t been gutsy enough to ask. But if you don’t mind asking, you might be able to time your shopping trips to snag the best deals.
Buy & Freeze
I know that some people may turn up their noses as reduced prices on produce and meat, but I’m okay with both. Usually these items are marked down because their sell-by dates are coming up. Stores don’t usually sell expired food items, so reduced meat and produce can be bought, prepped, and frozen to stay fresh. Or make a meal using something that you bought just that day.
Be on the Lookout
Be sure to check throughout the store. Our Kroger store has a couple of designated Manager’s Special areas. I have also found products throughout the store marked with those yellow and orange tags. In fact, last July I bought six jars of yeast that were marked with Manager’s Special tags. They don’t expire until November of this year, and I still have a few. But they were marked at $.89 a jar, and they’re usually about $3 each. That’s a pretty good savings on an item I know I’ll use.
Make it a Game
If your kids go with you to the store, why not make hunting down Manager’s Specials a bit of challenge? One of my friends does this with her husband, and they always score great deals!
Do you have a great Manager’s Special deal story to tell?
I went to Safeway one day when they were having a great meat sale. As I went down the case I realized the meat guy was going down and marking packages down 1, 2, or even 3 dollars! I just slowed down and waited for him to finish each section. He noticed me and asked what was on my list and offered to do those first 🙂 This was years ago so I don’t remember how much I saved but I remember being totally ecstatic about it 🙂
Oh my…. now that’s like striking gold Erica! How nice that he did what you wanted first so you didn’t have to wait.