Welcome to the ABCs of Savings! Each day we’ll be discussing another money saving topic, each beginning with a different letter of the alphabet. Be sure to subscribe via RSS or email so you don’t miss any steps along the way. You can read the full alphabet of posts here (updated as they are posted).
A: Analyze
Before we can really jump into the topic of ways to save money, it’s important to analyze our current situations. Let’s ask ourselves these questions:
Where am I finacially?
Where do I want to be?
What steps do I need to take to get there?
What are the biggest areas that need attention?
I’m sure you can come up with some other questions for yourself. But this is a good start. We’ll be talking about lots of different ways to save money as we walk through this series. I just thought it would be wise to take stock of our current situations before we dive in.
Feel free to share, or keep these answers to yourself. The main goal today is just to ask ourselves the big questions.