They say that a picture is worth 1000 words. This is a picture of the yeast that I bought at Kroger on Saturday. Yes, there are SIX jars. Who in their right mind buys SIX jars of yeast in one shopping trip?
This picture so clearly illustrates the major shift in my shopping habits. Before becoming an extreme coupon shopper, I would have waited until I ran out of yeast (or came close to running out), put it on the shopping list, and bought a jar the next time I was at the store.
Now I’m constantly on the lookout for great bargains and clearance items. I stopped by the manager’s special rack when I was at Kroger, and I found these six jars of yeast on clearance for $.89 each. They’re usually about $3.00 each, so that’s a pretty significant savings.
The old me would have bought one… maybe two. The new me knows that we’ll definitely use all of these by the time the expiration date rolls around. In fact, it’s the exact brand and type that I use when we use our bread machine to make pizza dough and breads. So I bought all six.
For those of you who are new to this site or new to extreme couponing and saving, this might seem strange. But think about it for a moment. I just saved over $12.00 on something I know I’m going to use. I bought it all at once because the price was right. I won’t have to worry about running out for a long time. It’s convenient AND a great deal!
What about you? Have you ever bought an item in bulk and received some strange looks from the cashier or other customers?
Oh definitely! It’s the only way to shop for me! Back when Kroger had the Kraft naturals cheese on sale for .99 and I had a .50 off coupon, I walked out of the store with bags and bags of cheese!! They asked me, “where are you going to put all of this??” Then there was the pasta sale, .25/box of whole wheat and Smart Taste pasta.. I STILL have pasta from that shopping expedition! 🙂 I applaud you for buying the yeast!! Just make sure to store it in the freezer. I order a special long life, highly active yeast in bulk (six lbs at a time)and it keeps on the shelf for about 6 mos but in freezer for a couple of years. The stuff in the grocery store doesn’t last quite as long on the shelf, but if you toss it in the freezer it should be good up to a year. Happy saving!
When there’s FREE cheese, you ALWAYS find room for it! My friends laughed at my big cheese stock-up when I found it for $1. But we used every last shred of it!!
Great find! I usually keep my extra yeast in the freezer so even if it goes past the ‘due date’ it still ends up being fresh and usable. Haven’t had a problem with bad yeast yet!
I usually buy cat food in bulk whenever I can find a good deal. I have 5 cats that eat both wet and dry food so if I find a good sale I’ll try to get some additional coupons that will allow me to create a stockpile for a few weeks. I end up getting asked how many cats I have and then the ‘wow, that’s a lot’ look/response.
OOOHHH! Thanks for the great storage tip! I didn’t realize that yeast could go into the freezer. I’m guessing that we’ll use it all by the expiration date, but I’ll keep this in mind if we don’t!
This weekend I bought 6 packages of the Bic Soliel Razors at Publix. I had 6 $3 off coupons and they were B1G1 for $5.39…so I got all for free plus overage! I didn’t really get any looks, it was just funny. My boyfriend just laughed and said “Well, you won’t have to buy razors for atleast a year!” 🙂 ALL FREE!
Isn’t it fun though to get the really nice razors instead of the 99¢ packs? I feel like I’m spoiling myself just a bit, and then I remember that they were FREE! Even better!