Okay, I know it’s been longer than a week (again!), but at least it hasn’t been a whole month like last time. 🙂 Here’s what I found on my camera this week. (From the looks of things, I need to get my phone out to snap pictures more often!)
This is our neighbor…. mowing our front hillside. For real. He saw Jason heading out to tackle the job with the weed whacker and snuck over to finish the it with his riding mower. We’re blessed with some incredible neighbors. Fortunately I had some nice, ripe bananas waiting on the counter. I got busy making banana bread, which made its way to his house. 😉
Our essential oils order came in. It was a big stock-up month since we were out of several things and needed some winter wellness products. Emma LOVES the Thieves toothpaste, so that’s for her. The Motivation oil is for me. It came up on my Zyto scan as one that would help with procrastination. *ahem* It does seem to be making a difference. For the record, Tangerine smells fabulous!
My old Mac decided to just give up on working. Well, as long as you don’t launch any programs it works. 🙂 So there’s a new Mac in our house. We transferred all of the information from the old one to the new one via wifi, which took 2 and a half days. Eeeks! I guess I need to clean off some of the files on my computer!
I just got a whole box full of these awesome booklets this week. They’re like an essential oils class in a book! Let me know if you want one. I have a few I can mail or deliver locally.
No, I’m not decorating our house for Christmas already. (Though I will confess that the thought crossed my mind when I went searching for something Christmasy for a project.) This little tree came out when I needed a backdrop for a Christmas printable project we created. I’ll share that with you very soon.