Over the next couple of weeks, I’d like to share with you some posts from the archives. I hope you enjoy them as much as I’ve enjoyed reading them again!
Her immediate response was to drop to her knees. To lean in close. To be quiet.
I saw her from across the room. I stopped and watched as she leaned in, wanting to get a little closer to Him.
Saturday night church was over, and it was almost time to head for home. She spotted Him near the exit door and went for a closer look. I found her quietly kneeling. Sure, it’s just a lighted representation of Him. But for her, it was a moment to stop and consider Him.
How often do we walk right by the manger? We say ‘Oh that’s pretty’ and move on. I encourage you this season to stop. Lean in close. Be quiet. Get a little closer to Him. Allow each manger scene you see to be a reminder that He loves us so much that He was willing to bring His beauty into this tainted world.
It’s amazing to me that children instinctively just KNOW what to do. And it *shouldn’t* amaze me every time, because HE knew that. He told us to be like the kids!
So true, Amy. I think we’d be wise to follow their lead more often than we do.
What a beautiful picture…and a beautiful post, as well.
Thanks so much for sharing this!
Thanks, Karen. It was awesome to see.
Such a sweet post! I’m so glad I stopped in from Tuesdays Unwrapped. Blessings!
Thanks for stopping by, Renee. 🙂