While I’m a huge fan of hospitality and not trying to have a perfect house for company, I also know that cultivating a clean, comfortable home environment is so important. That’s why I’m excited that Sarah Mae’s book 31 Days to Clean is on sale as a Kindle book for 99¢ right now.
“Good homemaking is about making a home, not a house; it is about creating a place where people feel loved and at peace. There is no judgment or tension. There is a listening ear, good coffee, munchies, comfy pillows, and wide-open hearts.”
Journey with Sarah Mae for 31 Days as you get your home and your heart in order. Give Sarah Mae 31 days and she’ll give you not only a cleaner home, but a vision for one.
Written specifically for the “non-natural” cleaners out there, 31 Days to Clean is a “come as you are” guide that seeks to inspire you to not only clean your home, but create a place of peace…in your home and in your heart.
31 Days to Clean is about the “why” and the vision and the heart for taking care of your home. Each day you will be encouraged with some thoughts and ideas on the heart of cleaning, and then you will put those ideas to action.
After each days reading, you will be given two challenges:
The Mary Challenge -Something that encourages/engages your heart
The Martha Challenge – Specific cleaning tasks to help you get your home in order
31 Days to Clean is a faith journey towards ruling, subduing, and loving. It is about forgoing perfection and instead choosing life.
31 Days to Clean is on sale for 99¢ for 7 days only. Click here to get your copy.
Hello Cuz,
I appologize for being a bit slow, but I only just now realized that “The Simple Pen” is YOUR blog! I am submitting my email address and look forward to receiving your updates.
Hope all is well with y’all!
– Sarah (Albert)
Awwww…. That’s awesome! 🙂 I’m not good about telling people about my little space here. I’m so glad you found it.
I do maintain a relatively clean home (as well as one can with 3 dogs and 2 cats and without spending 24hrs a day with a broom and mop in my hand!). However, I am guilty of worrying about “trying to have a perfect house for company”, sometimes to the point where it keeps me from having people over. I feel I have a comfortable home and love to have visitors so one of my goals for this year is to get over my worry. I am going to adopt your idea, Jennifer, and focus on “hospitality” rather than perfection. Thanks for sharing your view on Sarah Mae’s book. I will have to check it out. ~ Sarah =)
It took me a LONG time to get to the point of not freaking out about the house when people would want to come and visit. I have not invited people over more than once because of it. But I’m finding that people are more comfortable when things aren’t perfect… mostly because things aren’t perfect at their houses either. It’s a process.